NUNES, M. R.;; NUNES, Maria dos Remérios.
This thesis of the Professional Master in Letters aims to build an additional module,
with retextualization activities with the genres music and short story, from the
viewpoint of social literacy, in order to develop in students the use of reading and
writing skills in social practices. In this perspective, it was necessary to conduct a
study of the genres music and short story, in order to know more deeply about the
structure of these texts, and also to reflect on the linguistic, textual and discursive
regularities found in these genres. An important factor was to understand the
importance of working with textual genres in order to prepare students to work in the
various circumstances that society demands, ie, form thinking and reflective subjects
in the use of oral and written language. In this perspective, the practice of
retextualization was chosen because it is something that goes beyond writing,
involving significant changes in textual production, with implications for the linguistic,
discursive and textual field, with significance in rewriting and paraphrasing, aiming to
transform the text that involves changing in the discourse, in the context of
production, circulation and support, especially in the genre modification. To support
the work, the research is grounded in theories of Kleiman (1995), Marcuschi (2001),
Tfouni (2004), Soares (2009), Manguel (1997), Scrbner and Cole (1981) and others,
with the objective of further understanding the postulates that relate to textual genres,
retextualization and practice of literacy. The method used is the qualitative one,
because it seeks to understand the relevance and significance of the issues
addressed by offering an essential approach between subject and object. The
proposal of intervention will be presented to the teachers of the Centro de Educação
de Jovens e Adultos Professora Eudes Veras (CEJA) as a supplementary
educational material to the ones existing in the program, with the aim of offering a
new teaching practice, significant to the teaching of writing, given the difficulties that
the student of the CEJA presents in textual production, mainly because it is a course
that works in a semipresential mode and therefore with limited contacts with the
teacher. It is worth noting that this work does not end here, and its intention is to
continue the project started, emphasizing the importance of working the genres in
different contexts of the CEJA student's daily life.