MARINHO, M. S. F.;; MARINHO, Maria do Socorro Ferreira.
This research presents an investigation into the work with writing in school, under the
view of the use of practices of social literacy, which advocates the need to consider
culture, prior knowledge and values of students as essential elements to build their
texts. The goal is to reframe, under a literacy perspective, theoretical-methodological
activities of production of written text applicable to Adult and Youth Education. For
this, activities that include the genres, especially autobiography, were carried out
from the methodology adopted by Calkins (1989), who focuses on the process of
production of texts, more than just the final product, as commonly happens in
schools. As school literacy practices, the teachings of Calkins are based on the
interaction between students and their personal involvement in the production
process of their writings, through situated and therefore significant and motivating
contexts for the activities in the classroom. As a theoretical basis, besides Calkins
(1989), it was considered mainly Freire's contribution (1987), Kleiman's (1995),
PCN's (1998), Marcuschi (2008), Bortoni-Ricardo and Machado's (2013), while the
applied methodology is in a bibliographic research, using a qualitative approach to
outline a retrospect of Youth and Adult Education within the Brazilian educational
panorama, addressing the question of the identity of the subjects involved and
contextualizing the reality of Youth and Adult Education centers in the state of Ceará.
In this context, it presents an analysis of the situation of these school models, as well
as the profile of the pupils they teach, and also a brief discussion of the teaching
materials used at Centro de Educação de Jovens e Adultos Professor Milton Cunha
(one of these centers), which still requires enhancements to suit the linguistic
theories. Given these issues, it is necessary to create new teaching strategies that
support the language studies, with regard to: literacy, text, text genres, including the
autobiography, which aim to improve the text production of students. Given the need
for activities in situated contexts, this paper aims to present an intervention proposal
made in accordance with the sociointeractionist perspective, consisting of a
theoretical and methodological support for the work of teachers, with suggestions for
activities to be worked in workshops of reading and writing, under a literacy