SILVA, W. T. M.;; SILVA, Whenderson Thalmer de Medeiros.
There are still few studies related to the species of the Khaya genus mainly regarding
the evaluation of their nutritional status in the planting phase. In this context, the
objective of this work was to evaluate the nutritional status of Africanmahogany
plants located in the Várzea Alegre CE,
through the analysis of the
macronutrients present in the plant and soil. The experiment was developed at Jaburu
Farm, located in Várzea AlegreCE.
The experiment was conducted under field
conditions, with a completely randomized design, in which four treatments were used:
T1 Khaya
ivorensis A. Chev. with 1.4 years of age, T2 Khaya
senegalensis A. Juss.
with 2.4 years of age, T3 Khaya
senegalensis A. Juss. with 5.4 years of age and T4 Khaya
ivorensis A. Chev. with 5.4 years of age, and five replicates for each treatment.
To evaluate the nutritional status, soil physicochemical attributes and foliar tissues were
determined for quantification of macronutrient contents. The data were submitted to
analysis of variance and the means were compared by the Tukey test at the significance
level of 5% of probability. The macronutrient contents are within or above the ideal
range when compared to the results found in other forest species. The species Khaya
ivorensis presented superior results for P, Ca, Mg, and S indicating a higher requirement
of the species for these nutrients. In relation to Khaya senegalensis, it presented higher
content for N and K. The highest levels of K were found in the younger plantations,
tending to decrease in the older plantations due to their mobility in the plant. The
reduction of macronutrient contents in mahogany leaves was observed in the following
order: Khaya ivorensis (1.4 years of age) Ca> N> S> K> Mg> P, Khaya senegalensis
(2.4 years of age) Ca> N> K > S> Mg> P, Khaya senegalensis (5.4 years of age) Ca>
N> K> S> Mg> P, Khaya ivorensis (5.4 years) Ca> N> K> S> Mg> P.