OLIVEIRA, R. A. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9973069465064736; OLIVEIRA, Rosineide Alves de Almeida.
This research, exploratory, qualitative and applied nature, aimed to diagnose learning
difficulties in students from 9th grade text productions of a state school of
Pernambuco. From the diagnosis, we propose an intervention with a view to a
comparative analysis between the initial yield and final productions of the students.
The process of intervention, based on the sociodiscursivo interactionism, consisted
of a didactic sequence (DOLZ; Noverraz; SCHNEUWLY, 2013), structured reading
workshops, production and rewrite the genre Chronic texts. As teaching aids, we use
the material of the Portuguese Language Olympics, authored by Laginestra and
Pereira (2014), with adaptations. The analyzed corpus is composed of 40 texts,
written by 10 students. While 41 students have been awarded with the intervention,
we opted for sampling because the texts had similar aspects; Furthermore, a large
amount could jeopardize the quality of examination. In the evaluation, we adopted
the criteria proposed by Laginestra and Pereira (2014) to the genre Chronicle:
relevance to the theme; appropriateness to the genre (discursive and linguistic);
authorship marks and writing conventions. As for the correction strategies, we use
the textual-interactive correction (Ruiz, 2003), through "guiding tickets." In a
quantitative analysis, we measure and compare the advancement of learning in each
rated criteria. We note progress in the level 1 text (not met criteria) to level 2 (partially
met criteria) and Level 3 (criteria met). The qualitative and descriptive analysis
allowed us to understand the impact of the teaching sequence and rewrite the final
productions of the students. The intervention enabled them to reflect on the textualdiscursive
and linguistic aspects, encouraging self-regulation, leading to the
improvement of the texts. Another aspect observed refers to the dialogue teacherstudent
text, offered by the "guiding tickets": the analysis of the relationship between
the ticket and student text shows the importance of interaction in the text production
of teaching and learning. On the results presented, we make considerations on the
formation of student-authors, with the object of teaching the genres; as a
methodological procedure, the didactic sequence, coupled with textual-interactive
correction and rewriting as text enhancement technique.