FARIAS BEZERRA, Arícia C.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3896926720156325; BEZERRA, Arícia Cecília de Farias.
This research has as a main goal to investigate the contributions of a teacher training about the literary text with 2st and 5th degree elementary school teachers to make them able to transformate their students into literature readers. The research is according to the New Literacy Studies (Novos Estudos de Letramento), more specifically to the ones focused on literary literacy and to the reflections about teacher training, as well. The reason to make this study happen is because it can bring contributions to the teaching, in general, and, at the same time, to produce more material about teacher training which has, as a main goal, to prepare educators to be able to make their students read literature. As theoretical framework, we used studies of Cosson (2006), Aguiar (2001), Lajolo e Zilberman (2007), Soares (1999; 2011), Street (2012; 2014), Tardif (2014), Pimenta (1999) and others. The research has been classified as a qualitative study (action-research) and it was made in three steps. It had the participation of two
elementary school teachers, Clara Luz and Carolina, from Camalaú city, state of Paraíba, in Brazil. In the first step, the data generation was collected by an application of questionnaires and also by an analysis of exercises and lesson plans developed by the teachers before the teacher training encounters. In the second step, there was the development of the training actions. In the third step, a questionnaire about the contributions of those encounters was replied by the involved teachers, along with the analysis of exercises and lesson plans developed before the teacher training. The analysis of the dataset was made based on theoretical-methodological presuppositions of the Content Analysis (1976) technique. The collected data in the first step showed that the teachers used the literary texts only as a background of their teaching, and that they gave more attention to the contents that could have been teached based on these texts. After the teacher training, based on the questionnaires, our dataset showed: 1) involved teachers were more focused on applying the knowledge they acquired during the teacher training experiences on their practice (TARDIF, 2014); 2) teachers showed a certain comprehension of literary literacy, even it was not that deep; and 3) teachers could understand that the teacher training contributed to the reflections of their own practice. With respect to the teachers lesson plans, we observed that the teacher training made them better thought out, specially the Clara Luz’s ones, which gave more priority to the literary text by making a deeper reading of those with the students and having as a guidance the structure of literary literacy sequence (COSSON, 2006). In Carolina, the contributions of the teacher training could’ve been verified in a clear way, because she showed herself a bit fearful of using the knowledge acquired by her, although she says she has extended her knowledge about children’s literature. In that way, we conclude
that the teacher training contributed to the involved teacher’s practice, specifically to the way the literary text started to be used by Clara Luz in her classes. Moreover, the results of this research show the need for better teacher training to prepare them to teach literature in an improved way, and it also has to give them support in terms of conceptions and methodologies that make them able to go deeper in their teacher’s knowledge.