DANTAS, L. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1877784550846455; DANTAS, Laisa dos Santos.
Over the years, the issue of violence against women has intensified even more,
especially when dealing with the current situation established by the COVID-19
pandemic. Thus, this study aims to identify how the institutional support aimed at
confronting violence against women from Paraíba took place, as well as the factors
that drive this phenomenon and make violence against women more present in this
pandemic. The research has the character of a bibliographical and documental review
and analyzes of secondary data, having as corpus of study the state of Paraíba. The
analyzes carried out showed that patriarchy still has firm roots in our contemporaneity,
in which it reflects on the lives of women and on the forms of violence suffered by them,
especially domestic violence in the current pandemic context, reflecting on the non
creation of new policies aimed at combating the problem in the current scenario.