LIMA, J. S. S.;; LIMA, José Silvano de Sousa.
Many small sized cities and inland are able to demonstrate relative dynamism when they
receive particular type of impulse. In the year 2008 the city of Picui was contemplated a
campus IFPB. This fact served as the impulse for which the city demonstrate various sociospatial
transformations, rendering it more dynamic economically. So, this study has the main
objective analyze the socio-spatial transformations in the city of Picui- PB as from the
implementation of Campus IFPB. Moreover, it is of interest to know the importance of
implementing this campus and its relationship with the urban growth of the city. It also seeks
to identify the structural forms created after his arrival and highlight that the most felt changes
in the city after the implementation of campus. The transformations arising from after the
arrival of the campus of the Federal Institution, they were the transformations arising from
after the arrival of the campus of the Federal Institution, were particularly more felt in regard
to real estate infrastructure, financial and commercial of Picui. It is noticed that the urban area
of Picuí does not show the features that today show in comparison to earlier time's arrival
IFPB. Thus, such as it was the case of Picuí, the determining factor IFPB was enough to
generate all transformations in its urban area.