FERNANDES, C. R. J. S.; FERNANDES, Cicera Romana Janneally de Souza.
In a business world as competitive as it is today, operations management plays a fundamental
role in the development of the enterprise. Thus, it is important to adapt the current scenario of
companies through the introduction of lean philosophies, seeking to implement a leaner
organizational culture, productions with lower waste rates and a company with more current
views of the market, acting in a way that seeks continuous improvement. As a result, it is
usual to use the PDCA cycle in the development of process improvements, so in this work the
Planning phase of the methodology will be applied, with the objective of proposing solutions
to the problems encountered on the shop floor, in a way to reduce existing waste. In this
sense, for the identification and analysis of the problems, tools were used such as: Pareto
diagram, flowchart, brainstorming, and layout analysis. Complementarily, some holistic views
of the process were also used, in addition to the empirical knowledge of the process
collaborators. Finally, from all the information collected and the analyzes carried out, it was
possible to generate proposals for improvement in the production process through the
application of the 5W1H tool.