BARROS, T. K. S.;; BARROS, Taís Karoline da Silva.
This paper proposes to present information on the geohistorical transformations of the waterbodies of
Campina Grande throughout it's urbanization process, with emphasis on the Açude Velho. Based on
Swyngedouw (2009), which presents city as a hybrid between nature and society and between materiality and
representation, the analyzed transformations are not exclusively those material that have changed the urban
environment, but also the changes that occurred in the form of representation of waterbodies. As a
methodology, we searched for documents or any records related to the history of the waters in Campina
Grande that mentioned the object of study, the Açude Velho. The collective memories recorded in books,
magazines, newspapers and photographs were the basis for the analysis and study of this work. The specific
considerations about the social and spatial changes of Açude Velho during the 1980s and early 1990s resulted
from the reading of editions of Jornal Diário da Borborema dating from 1984 to 1992, available at the
Museum of the Secretary of Culture of Campina Grande. For the elaboration of this work, we also had the
help of the theoretical debate on Historical Geography, through writers such as Abreu (2014), Pereira (2006).
It is concluded with this work that over time the Açude Velho changed it's initial use by not being a reservoir
for water supply and had other purposes established. There have been significant changes in the materiality
of Açude Velho and its surroundings, the changes are directed to the change of representation of the value of
Açude Velho to Campina Grande society. However, there is at this historic moment of the beginning of the
21st century, a construction of a new representation of Açude Velho which is due to the development of
constructions and new uses around the environment and not due the water quality.