FERREIRA, T. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4261461561090737; FERREIRA, Thaise Araújo.
For a long time the past was lost, and the built memories were being forgotten. Researchers then decided to go search the past to understand the present, and the Historical Geography is here as the science that makes this possible, and geographers have a bigger contribution in this rescue of memories. With the city Campina Grande was not different, most memories were forgotten. This work aims to make geo historical rescue of the water bodies of Campina Grande. To make this possible, we discussed about Historical Geography, what are memories and the past of the place, from Abreu (2014), Pereira (2006), Erthal (2003). As methodology, we sought documents and any records relating to the history of Campina Grande with emphasis on the water bodies of the city, using the registrated memories to be analyzed and studied. Through this work, we rescued reported memories by great authors of the past, showing the beggining of the city with a small stream, it’s droughts, the importance of alternatives to combat it, the reservoirs and it’s importance in the development of the city, and what they represent for the population. Memories are still lost, some can be retrieved, others can’t, but it is also important that we recue the memory of every day.