NUNES, D. S.;; NUNES, Diogo Soares.
The free fair is a marketing space that generates income, which changes the dynamics of the inner cities. It is a space of popular conviviality with several cultural representations, and that remain in the current period. This research had as main objective to analyze the socio-spatial dynamics of the free fair of Cabaceiras - PB, presenting its historical formation, its transformations and persistences, as well as its current dynamics. To reach the objectives outlined, we applied qualitative and quantitative questionnaires and interviews with consumers and market participants, seeking to know the peculiarities of the local fair, field study and mapping. A bibliographic survey and interpretation of the data were performed. It is understood that the fair of this municipality exerts an important centrality in the dynamics of the city, as the flow of people and transport increases in fair days, consequently causing an increase in the commercialization of goods, contributing to the formation of the city. However, with the modernization of trade, over time, new types of markets have emerged, such as: supermarkets, bank branches, clothing stores, furniture, appliances, agricultural products, among others. These, in turn, offer variety of products and form of payment through credit card, elements that contributed to the decrease of consumers, caused transformations and persistence, greatly affecting their development.