ARAÚJO, A. M.;; ARAÚJO, Amanda Miguel de.
The present work had as objective to carry out a floristic survey of the plantsmedicinal
plants in the Caatinga biome, in the municipality of Parari, Paraíba. For this purpose, we
used semi-structured interviews with 20 informants in the age group between 40 and 80
years of age. Information was collected on 33 plant species that are used as medicinal
plants. Medicinal products on the use, part used, therapeutic indication, and ways of
preparing home remedies. The native families with the greatest representation of species
used as medicinal plants were: Leguminosae with 4 (four) species, followed by
Anacardiaceae with 3 (three) species, Malvaceae 02 (two) species, and the others with
one species each.Among the exotic species, families: Chenopodiaceae, Lamiaceae,
Verbenaceae, Myrtaceae, Rutaceae, Asphodelaceae, Musaceae, Monimiaceae,
Canellaceae, Poaceae, Crassulaceae, Apiaceae, Urticacea, appears with 1 species of
each totaling 13 (thirteen) families. The data found revealed that the popular knowledge
about medicinal plants is of extreme importance for the control of the affections and
contributes to the accomplishment of ethnobotanical studies. Due to the diversity of
native species recorded, it can be concluded that the preservation of this area is of great
importance for the conservation of the local biodiversity and the informants involved
possess a vast knowledge of the vegetation contributing to the knowledge of potentially
useful plants of the Caatinga. The therapeutic indications of plants, carried out by
raizeiros, are scientifically relevant, considering the presence of active
pharmacologically that act effectively to combat diseases suggested by popular use.