PORTO, O. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5665686604681973; PORTO, Odailza Barros.
This article aims to assess the relation between city and field in Olivedos/PB. This place
presents a small sized city and we characterize this arrangement as an area surrounded by
processes and functions involving actions that need to be assessed and that their relations with
the field echoes in the daily life of the city. The quantitative data of IBGE (2010) allows us to
realize that most of population lives at the city, however their lifestyle is not the one related
with this urban space, but the habits and the hegemonic activities refer to the field, and its
rural lifestyle. To understand this relation and the influence the field exerts on the city is of
utmost importance. It was noticed this relation in a practical way by using bibliographic
research and interviews, besides the assessment of the city landscape. We conclude in the end
of the article that the city presents a small population and it mainly lives according to field
lifestyle, and its influence is notorious from its historical formation to its current
configuration, influencing economic, social and cultural aspects.