SILVA FILHO, C. F.;; SILVA FILHO, Crisanto de Figueiredo.
This article presents a reflection to understand the relationship between the exploitation of child
labor and the issue of informality in Brazil. A research has as inquiry point the space of the urban
center of Campina Grande / PB, where we verified the existence of a great mass of informal
workers, among them, children and although it seems a common and normal activity, through our
analysis we perceive the how problematic this is on a scale when we look at the poor distribution
of income and realize how much greater the inequality is. Our analysis methodology took place
through a theoretical review and from the field study through review, annotations and related.
Child exploitation entails consequences for the subject during his adult and senile life, which may
be the main factor for him to remain in a vulnerable state and compelled to work informally,
making it difficult to enter a promising job due to the lack of educational training that he has.
neglected by the family or the state. As the main result of this research, we point out the
importance of school for a child and a teenager to become adults with the necessary training as a
professional career. However, ceasing child exploitation would not solve all the problems of
social inequality in Brazil, however, politics is the science of social transformation and a society
aware of child labor and the consequences would be possible to work to reduce the poverty
indicators of the next generations.