BEZERRA, A. S.;; BEZERRA, Alany de Souza.
The intensification and growth of commercial exchanges were the main elements for the emergence of the
fairs, being a very old commercial practice, which guarantees the supply of foodstuffs in various regions of the
world, until today. This activity has enormous influences on the development of the economy and social
dynamics in countless rural towns in the interior. This article has as its central objective an analysis of the space
and commercial forms that make up the fair in the municipality of Puxinanã-PB. Thus, we have historically
observed its economic dynamics in the urban-regional economic circuit. As for the methodological procedures,
they were divided into two stages, the first was through bibliographic readings and field research, in which it
was possible to explore the space, photograph, describe and systematize the research data. In the second stage,
the elaboration of graphs, maps and explanatory tables were made, based on the data that were collected in the
field. During the conclusion of the research, the activities of this fair were suspended due to the pandemic of
COVID-19, intervening in the study for a certain period of time. With the partial return of this trade, the number
of stalls and the variety of products sold were reduced, in order to avoid direct approaches between marketers
and customers. Even in difficult contexts, we found that the fair is one of the main socioeconomic activities of
the aforementioned municipality. The interventions and innovations did not eliminate the space of the
researched fair, it remains a space of resistance and resilience.