ALVES, D.; ALVES, Douglas.
Bike lanes are already a reality in medium to large cities and, with their arrivals, conflicts in their territories have become commonplace. This is due to many factors, such as: inadequate signage, lack of inspection and little knowledge about the functionality of these roads. The general objective of this research is to understand the conflicts generated within the territory of cycle lanes, their causes and possible solutions to this problem, in the city of Campina Grande, with a focus on the lane on Avenida Juscelino Kubitschek and its main cycle lane for accessing the Açude Velho . The methodology was based on a Qualitative Participative research, based on the mapping of the cycle lanes mentioned above, observation of their characteristics, field records through photos and application of a questionnaire for people living in the city of Campina Grande. -PB, in order to understand the population's view of these territories. In addition, the vertical and horizontal signaling standards established by CONTRAN were used to substantiate the considerations made in the discussion of the work. It was possible to understand that the conflicts within the cycle lanes analyzed during the research are not only an issue related to urban mobility, but also about citizen safety and adequate functionality of the territory that needs to be used through inspection, maintenance of lanes and education about its norms.