BARBOSA, A. A.;; BARBOSA, Anselmo de Araújo.
The desertification process is understood as a complex phenomenon of reduction of soil
edaficaproperties, resulting in multiple problems in the food production of populations. The
objective of this work was to analyze the desertification process in the municipalities of Cariri
oriental Paraibano from 1999 to 2019 with biophysical indicator databases and data on
economic vulnerability. The research was carried out based on a bibliographic survey of the
theme; observation of images of landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 ETM+ satellites from 1999 to
2019 for product production: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (IVDN), Surface Albedo
and TGSI (Topsoil Grain Size Index) the treatment was in the “software” Arcgis10.2, ; IBGE
data on agricultural sense and extractivism vegetable; an on-site study was also carried out in
the municipalities of Barra de São Miguel, Boqueirão and Cabaceiras to validate the products.
The results pointed to a reduction in vegetation cover, and that this reduction is shown in low
NDVI values and high TGSI values, as were albedos of the surface. It is concluded that during
the analysis period the vegetation cover has been removed significantly for various purposes.