SILVA, J. S.; SILVA, Jefferson Santos.
The teaching of geography in basic education is full of challenges that are imposed on teachers, difficulties in planning classes, in the teaching methodologies to be used, are among them. Thinking about these difficulties experienced by the teachers, the present work had as main objective the construction of a roadmap of Geoeducational Tourism activities in the Olho D`água das Onças Ecological Reserve, as a methodological proposal for the teaching of geography in basic education. In addition, this work also sought to describe and characterize the Reserve in its location, relief, soil, climate, hydrography and vegetation, to base and situate this teacher of the educational potential present in the area of the Ecological Reserve and in its surroundings. Field visits and office research were carried out for the construction of the script and the characterization. This script highlights points and stops where issues of geography can be approached, in which the teacher can develop activities with their students in each one of them, making them interact and explore the elements that are present in the environment.