SILVA, E. S. M.; SILVA, Érica Sueli Maciel da.
The urban expansion of recent times resulted in the formation of a disorganized urban space, triggering socio-environmental problems at the most diverse scales. These problems are directly linked to the lack of urban and environmental planning, which culminates in a misappropriation of the soil, mainly on the banks of water courses, directly affecting the population's quality of life, especially due to the occurrence of flood events. Therefore, this research analyzed the urban expansion of the city of Aroeiras-PB on the banks of the Riacho Aroeiras and its tributaries, the flood events that occur due to these irregular occupations, and the socio-environmental quality of the city's urban space. To carry out the investigation, we chose to work from two approaches: the first concerns a literature review and document analysis, with regard to Areas of Permanent Protection, which gave us subsidies for understanding the reality studied; the second is an empirical approach on the Aroeiras stream in the urban space of the city of Aroeiras-PB, in addition to the work with cartographic products, for the location and delimitation of the study area. In the end, it was found that the city of Aroeiras-PB is characterized by irregular occupation of the banks of watercourses, causing the degradation of the Aroeiras Stream and its tributaries, favoring the occurrence of flooding of riverine areas during periods of higher index rainfall. In addition, it was realized that all this socio-environmental problem is directly linked to the scarcity of essential infrastructure and planning services by the Municipal Public Management.