EVARISTO, J. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3100680436327775; EVARISTO, Jonh da Silva.
This research aims to analyze the Parque do Povo as a symbolic space for power disputes
and territorial manipulation of the political-family group Cunha Lima, strategically
interfering in the imagination of the population of Campina Grande-PB to remain in power.
Therefore, the Parque do Povo is configured as an element of the territory, which constitutes
a territoriality activated and manipulated for the benefit of the political group in question.
Through a bibliographical research on the concept of territory; symbolic power and
structures of political-family power, it was possible to consider that the political-family
group Cunha Lima created the Parque do Povo, as a symbolic space, for the rise and
maintenance of its political power, maintaining the family name for several generations
based on in the strategy of culture as a spectacle, arising from events such as: O Maior São
João do Mundo; Micarande and the Meeting for Christian Conscience. This became a space
for power struggles arising from political-family opposition groups, businessmen and
evangelical groups. However, the analysis presented provides reflections on the Parque do
Povo as a spatial symbolic form, in which the political-family group Cunha Lima perpetuates
power in the city for generations and in various positions in the Brazilian federat ive system.