FELIX, T. M. D.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9336375802096038; FELIX, Tânia Maria Dias.
Considering the radio not only as an important means of mass communication for
disseminating information and media, but also as a favorable radio media to use in
the study, analysis and linguistic production of oral genres, is that proposes the
present study whose goal is to understand the use of radio-school as a media
resource in the development of activities involving oral communication in Portuguese
Language classes in elementary school. The methodological approach to this work is
qualitative founded by authors such as Bogdon and Binklen (1994); Oliveira (2014)
through the non-participant and interview through questionnaire method of
observation. This research has the theoretical basis Almeida (2012), Antunes (2003),
Araújo e Silva (2013), Alves (2007), Baltar (2012), Cagliari (2007), Consani (2007),
Gomes (2009), Milanez ( 1993), Sancho (2006), Schnewly and Dolz (2004), Teixeira
(2016) and Torres (2014). The results pointed to the fact that even being considered
in the media as an easy technical handling media and being present at school with
basic equipment that compose the radio media, referred to as radio school, is not
used by teachers in their entirety as a facilitator resource for the production and
dissemination of oral genres. Confirming the warning Sancho (2006) for failure to
incorporate the lessons of each of the media, for work with communication in addition
to promoting the oral and verbal language add other knowledge. The results point to
the need a better plan the teaching and learning of genres from the integration of this
media into the classroom. From this result, it is proposed here a set of reading and
production of oral genres to be developed with students from the 7th grade of
elementary school having as didactic and pedagogical tool to radio school media.