FIDELIS, Gerusa Fernandes.;; FIDELIS, Gerusa Fernandes.
The present graduation thesis has as objective of study to make an analyzes of the importance
of the construction of the identity of the quilombola community in its recognition process,
its struggles, memory and resistances for the emacipation and conquest of the territory. This
study was possible through consultations of written sources, as well as narratives, interviews
with residents and field visits that took place during the research period. Thus, this research
shows how identify and understand how oral narratives are important in building the cultural
identity of a place and contribute to the formation of a particular territory. Through the
analysis of these reports it allowed us to understand how the tensions, disputes and conflicts
that involve the construction of memory, identity and conquest of a territory, are currently
for the selfidentification
process of a determined community that selfrecognizes
quilombola for the guarantee of their basic rights and specific public policies. At the same
time, access to these rights guarantees the reproduction and maintenance of the quilombola
way of life and visibility, reinforcing and framing a certain memory with shared identity
elements in the territory. The quilombo community of Bonfim faced many conflicts, threats
and resistance until the process of its recognition and titling of its territory.