MENDES, M. A. M.;; MENDES, Mariana Araújo de Morais.
The poor distribution of drinking water within Brazilian territory and the absence of basic
sanitation services in most rural communities mean that a large part of the rural population
experiences water supply problems. Especially in the semi-arid region of the country, where
there are prolonged drought periods, with an unstable rainy season and rainfall of 750 mm
annually on average. This scenario contributed to the creation of the 1 Million Cisterns
Program (P1MC), which, along with other programs, aims to mitigate such problems and
provide for the water autonomy of families living in rural semi-arid areas, from the
implantation of Rainwater Utilization Systems (SAAC), where water is usually collected in
the roof area of the residences and stored in reservoirs known as cisterns. Aiming to
contribute for the improvement of P1MC and SAACs, this work aims to carry out an ex post
evaluation of the program, about fifteen years after its installation in the community of
Mocambo, located in the city of Patos, Paraíba. Field visits were carried out and, along with
data provided by the City Hall of Patos and the area health agent, it was possible to identify
the way in which the SAACs were installed and their current conditions of management and