RAMALHO, L. A. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1536797175427455; RAMALHO, Letícia Agra Mendes.
The present article addresses the method of chemical stabilization of soils. This technique is
based on the addition of a binder to the soil, which does not have the properties suitable for use
in construction, in order to improve it. Among the most used stabilizers, there is cement that
when incorporated into the soil results in better strength and stiffness values. However, in the
current environmental environment there is a great incentive for the use of industrial waste in
civil construction. Micronized PET is a material that can enhance stabilization with cement.
Therefore, this work intent to study the behavior of an expansive soil when it is stabilized with
cement and Micronized PET to develop a comparison between this technique and stabilization
with cement and lime only. The soil used was collected from the city of Paulista-PE and
stabilized with 30%, 40% and 50% additions of Micronized PET. Cement content and dry
specific weight were set at 6% and 15 kN / m³, respectively. Simple compressive strength tests
were performed after 6 days of wet chamber cure and 1 day of submerged cure to minimize
suction. The simple compressive strength of the Micronized PET-Expansive Soil-Cement
mixture increases linearly with increasing micronized PET content, making it a sustainable soil
stabilization alternative.