BEZERRA, L. E. F.;; BEZERRA, Larissa Érika Frazão.
Hot-machined asphalt mixtures, commonly used on Brazilian highways, although they have the
potential to withstand stresses, have resulted in negative factors in some respects. Due to the
high production temperatures of hot machined mixtures, they require high energy consumption,
resulting in environmental and financial losses and the released asphalt fumes endanger the
health of workers exposed to them. For this reason, studies have been developed to alleviate
this problem. Among the analyzes performed, it was observed that the reduction in machining
and compaction temperatures is a viable alternative in the production of asphalt coatings,
reducing the problems caused by hot machined mixtures, such as Reduction can be achieved
with the use of warm asphalt mixtures (MAMs) developed by the use of additives. In this
context, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of variation of the compaction
temperature of asphalt mixtures modified with 1% beeswax, analyzing the binder physical and
mechanical properties of the mixture. The choice of beeswax as a modifying additive was due
to its potential in the production of warm asphalt mixtures, as melting point between 63 ° C and
64 ° C tends to reduce binder viscosity when heated. thus reducing machining and compaction
temperatures. The dosing method used was SUPERPAVE and the process was performed at
two temperatures, one being the temperature found by the Rotational Viscosity test and the
other with 10 ° C less. Given the results obtained, it was concluded that the reduction of the
ideal compaction temperature and the use of beeswax as an additive has effective results, with
all the parameters required for paving use met and providing, in some aspects, mechanical
characteristics superior to the ones. found using the reference temperature.