MOTA, A. L. S.;; MOTA, André Luís de Souza.
In times of climate change worldwide, it is important to reflect and search for less aggressive and, who knows, more efficient materials and techniques. Despite the use of the milled (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement - RAP) as a promising new raw material, there is a lack of information and doubts about the mechanical behavior of asphalt mixtures recycled with this material. In this sense, the present work brought together, through a literature review, data from laboratory test results of recycled asphalt mixtures with different levels of RAP (0% to 100%) and analyzed through a trend study the mechanical behavior of these asphalt mixtures. The results showed that the total binder content, the type of compaction and the RAP content directly influence the mechanical performance of the recycled asphalt mixtures. The RAP increases increased marshall stability values, resilience modulus, fatigue life and tensile strength. It was observed that these values were strongly influenced by the granulometric composition of the recycled mixture and the presence of a rejuvenating agent. In this study, it was not possible to verify a trend that reflected how RAP influences the rheological behavior of the recycled
mixture: the values of complex modulus, fatigue and mechanical resistance at low temperature found were similar to those of conventional mixtures made without RAP.