SILVA, E. M.;; SILVA, Emizael Marcos da.
The requalification project, preliminary study level, to the architectural ensemble (the
big house and factory) of the old Olho D'água Mill, located in Alagoa Nova (PB), was the
objective of this work. The research had focused on studies about the historical context of the
ingenuity and their construction, as well as research design solutions reference. Based on the
reading of existing conditions and demands, it was proposed to set a multifunctional program
(museum, restaurant / cafe, cultural center, department of culture and heritage), an
intervention that respects the preexistence, but inserting new construction elements that
stand out from the rest. The analytical study of the object and the architectural design
exercise held here also has the purpose of recording, ensure and perpetuate the memory of
hitherto unprotected and forgotten heritage, raise questions and become a reference for
possible future interventions that may be realized.