LUCENA, Adriano Elísio de Figueirêdo Lopes;; LUCENA, Adriano Elísio de Figueirêdo Lopes.
In the whole world, the operations of the oil industries produce a huge volume of oily residue, which need specific cares due to the presence of oil, metals, salts, phenols and other composites. The alternative utilization of oily residues (perforation gravel) in asphaltic pavements must be considered, once its adoption would minimizes the migration effect of the toxic composites to the groundwater and soils that edges the road making this alternative a more suitable one from the environmental point of view, than the roadspreding one. Aiming this objective, it was selected oily residues from oil drilling wells: the oily residue 1(well:4-SES-149A) and the oily residue 2(well:1-POTI-4-RN). At first, it was realized physical, mineralogic and environmental characterization (specific mass, granulometric analysis, chemic analysis, DTA, TG, XRD and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) to discover their mainly properties to the development of this research. Beginning from the bibliographic review and of the results of the referred characterizations, it was possible to establish the normalized proceedings to mix the materials and the acceptance criteria of the achieved results. After these definitions, it was conducted the mechanical characterization essays (viscosity, penetration, Marshall, indirect tensile strength and Lottman). Finally, it was build na experimental pavement aiming to verify the migration of toxic composites to the edges of the pavement. The obtained results indicated that the utilization of the oily residue 1 (filler) and the oily residue 2 (fine aggregate) in asphaltic pavements, obeying to ratio limits is an alternative to be considered, once the encapsulation of these residues doesn’t permit the lixiviation and contamination of the vicinal soils by the harmful composites to the environment. It can be concluded that the utilization of the residues can be considered a viable alternative to the minimization of the great environmental impact caused by the inadequate disposal of the oily residues.