OLIVEIRA, F. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5394480467977236; OLIVEIRA, Fabiana Alves de.
The present study is the result of a pedagogical experience project undertaken in a research field entitled “Technical-pedagogical competences necessary for public school management to promote quality education”. The experience developed is part of the evaluation activities of the Experiential Project Discipline, of the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in School Planning and Management, at UEA/CFP/UFCG. This activity was developed in a State School of Elementary Education I in the city of Santa Cruz - PB and had as objective of study to reflect on the Technical-pedagogical Competences necessary for the Public School Management. This research was developed in six stages aiming at a better work dynamics: (1st) Presentation of the Pedagogical Intervention proposal with the School Management team; (2nd) Shooting of the Workshop material: Analysis of the Efficacy Criteria, to be distributed with the teachers for the application of the dynamics of survey of the necessary qualities; (3rd) Sensitization of the School Community and Scheduling the Workshop; (4th) Application of the Workshop; (5th) Synthesis of the work of the groups and consolidation of the results presented; (6th) In an individual meeting with the members of the School Board, survey of the competencies, attributions and responsibilities to be developed of the Action Plan organized by the teachers on the occasion of the Workshop and finally, preparation of an analytical report on the implementation of the pedagogical-administrative experience in the field school, presenting the research results. This achievement allowed the promotion of actions that favored the effective participation of all segments of the school community, valuing the principles of participation, autonomy, pluralism and transparency in school practices, thus contributing to the promotion of democratic, participatory management, cooperating to a quality school.