; NASCIMENTO, N. M.; NASCIMENTO, Nicleide Maria do.
This article presents the experience report of the experiential project developed at EEEFM Nelson Batista Alves, located in the municipality of Bernardino Batista-PB. This project is configured as the last stage of the Specialization Course in School Planning and Management at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Campus Cajazeiras-PB. It aimed to contribute to the development of reading and writing skills of high school students. This educational experience started from the following problem: What methodological strategies are viable to provide learning experiences in the context of reading and writing to high school students? As it is a high school institution and in view of the need to prepare students at this stage of education for further studies, activities aimed at the production of argumentative-essay texts were used as methodology. The stages of development of the pedagogical experience consisted of: i) general presentation of the project to the students; ii) production of text from a social issue; iii) exhibition of video lessons; iv) technical correction of texts; v) studies of texts focused on the proposed theme; vi) rewriting of the text presenting consistent arguments. Results: The activities recorded here showed that it is possible to improve the teaching and learning processes based on methodological innovations that incorporate technology as a pedagogical support tool accompanied by competent pedagogical mediation. Therefore, the teacher, regardless of his area of expertise, can work with dissertation productions, using this tool.