OLIVEIRA, J. M. P.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5663620062448404; OLIVEIRA, Jackeline Maysa Pinheiro.
The people have looking for education as way of personal development, professional and
economic, therefore, it is usual young and adults, for several factors, they did not get
conclude the regular education and seek in the EJA modality their formative interest. It is
important that educational institutions develop curriculum that serves and include these
subjects in the educational system. In Chemistry teaching, it is evident that the proposal
for regular education is not adequate for the EJA public, wherefore, the professionals look
for proposals that make learning more meaningful, despite all their contexts. This study
sought to present a curriculum proposal for teaching Chemistry in the EJA Modality for
classes in the first grade of high school. Searched through databases, articles about the
theme, and thereby to construct the curriculum proposals for teaching Chemistry in EJA.
These proposals were organized and structured in chart, containing information about the
contents to be applied, as well as the methodology, evaluation and learning expectations.
A curriculum was created to serve the four academic terms, and an integrative project
was introduced in the same project can be developed with students of the said modality.
Therefore, it was realized that it is possible to develop the teaching and learning process
of Chemistry in EJA with the particularities of the subjects involved, however, it is
necessary that students have a commitment to wanting to learn, as well as, the school
providing the conditions for the teacher to be able to develop their innovative