CARREIRO, A. N.;; CARREIRO, Artur da Nóbrega.
Evaluation of quality of oocytes dogs and cats of different ages undergoing ovariosalpingohisterectomia. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of oocytes bitches and cats
of different ages undergoing ovariohysterectomy ( OSH ) at the Veterinary Hospital
of the Center for Rural Health and Technology , Federal University of Campina
Grande. 12 bitches and 12 cats aged one to eight years and seven months to
three years old, respectively, were used. For each species, the animals were
divided into two age groups, with bitches with a group composed of animals less
than 5 years and with other animals over five years, while for the cats, the groups
consisted of animals aged below 2 years and another with animals over the age of
2 years. OSH after the ovaries were collected, then dissected, weighed and
measured. The oocytes were collected through the technique of "slicing " or slicing
. The quantity and quality of oocytes from both ovaries was evaluated, and the
results of these evaluations were compared to the age group of animals of
different species. To detect the phase of the estrous cycle, vaginal cytology was
performed in both species. A total of 1,018 oocytes cats and 1,277 dogs oocytes
were collected. In bitches we obtained an average of 13.7 ± 11.6 oocytes from
Grade 1 (G1), 12.7 ± 10.5 oocytes from Grade 2 (G2) and 28 ± 18.2 oocytes
Grade 3 (G3). In cats, we obtained an average of 11.4 ± 7.9 oocytes Grade 1
(G1), 10.2 ± 6.3 oocytes Grade 2 (G2), 21.1 ± 13.5 oocytes Grade 3 (G3). The
results indicated an increase in amount of oocyte Grade 3 (G3) in dogs older than
5 years for female dogs under 5 years of age. The average number of oocytes
Grade 3 (G3) recovered from the ovaries of female cats under 2 years of age
compared to cats of greater than 2 years of age was similar. On the other hand,
there was an increasing trend in the average oocyte Grade 3 (G3) recovered in the
ovaries that Especia. Based on the results obtained in the present study, we can
conclude that age influences the quality of oocytes collected from dogs and cats,
however, more studies should be performed to evaluate the influence of other
factors on the quality of oocytes in these species.