TOLENTINO, M. L. D. L.;; TOLENTINO, Mikael Leandro Duarte de Lima.
Seroprevalence of virus infection in bovine viral diarrhea in herdssemiarid paraiba. The bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is an important pathogen of cattle and
may cause mucosal disease, respiratory disease, digestive disease, hemorrhagic
syndromes, abortions, temporary infertility, malformation of newborns and
immunosuppression. In recent years have been attended in Veterinary Hospital of
UFCG animals suggestive of mucosal disease and raises the possibility of the spread of
the virus in herds, demonstrating the need for investigation and characterization of the
disease in the region. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence for
bovine viral diarrhea virus in the semiarid Paraiba. Twenty properties, distributed in 9
municipalities were visited and samples of 352 animals collected for testing ELISA-Ab.
In 19 properties were identified positive animals and in 40.9% (144/352) of these had
contact with the virus BDVD. The study showed that the virus is widespread among
cattle in the backwoods of Paraíba and to prevent the spread of this pathogen and
infection of young animals is necessary that further epidemiological studies are
performed to identify the presence of persistently infected animals in herds and factors
risk associated with infection in the production systems of semiarid region of Brazil.