VALENTIM, F. C. A.;; VALENTIM, Fernanda de Carvalho Almeida.
Campina Grande is a Brazilian Northeast semiarid
city, located at the "Draught
Polygon" and it is an example of a city among many others that were created and
prospered from water resources. However, as far as the city grew, the rivers and lakes
lost their importance beyond a simple supply and were forgotten by the population and
overlooked by authorities who manage the city. The soil sealing increased as
consequence of the development event. It is now generating big disorders to the
citizens, mainly at the rainy season. That is the case of Acanhã region, located at
Sandra Cavalcante´s neighborhood, study object of this paper. Therefore, the objective
is to analyze the current legal urban planning instruments efficiency and implementation
using different scenarios to diagnoses the current (real) region situation and compare it
to the scenario provided by law, in terms of imperviousness and urban waters
interaction, aiming to reconnect the population to water resources, selecting and using
water sensitive urban design principles, low impact development measures and
Sustainable Urban Drainage System. The study was developed collecting field data and
execution computer simulations using the software Storm Water Management Model
and seek to propose recommendations and considerations to improve the real scenario.
It should be emphasized that the present study does not seek alternatives to solve all
the urban discomforts generated by conflicts with water resources, but it is important to
draw attention from the agents of urban design change to the current state of microdrainage
of the area and to prevent it from reaching an even more critical scenario so
that there are no changes that are occurring, since the results The simulations are not
satisfactory in relation to the accumulation of surface runoff in the blocks.