The breeding of goats and sheep is an activity widely developed in the northeastern region,
but noted that US production systems there are production losses associated with various
causes, among them problems in the reproductive sphere, which include anestrus,
abortions, natimortalidade, malformations, among others. In this context, it is important
that you introduce yourself to academic and professional an easy consultation material on
the causes of reproductive failures in small ruminants. Among the infectious diseases that
cause miscarriages, or other manifestations of reproductive dysfunctions include
leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, neosporosis as listeriosis, brucellosis, ovine, clamidofilose,
dourine, mycoplasmosis, Campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis. Reproductive failures, or
even death of animals and fetuses in the perinatal period, are also associated with
nutritional factors. Miscarriages, stillbirths or young small and weak are common in
underfed animals, especially when the supply of energy and proteins is inappropriate. The
lowest production of colostrum and milk associated with malnutrition also makes the
survival of live births the ingestion of toxic plants like Aspidospermapyrifolium (Pereiro)
and Mimosa tenuiflora. (Jurema preta) cause, respectively, abortion and birth in the semiarid
Northeast. After the completion of this work can be inferred that causes reproductive
losses are very diverse and its diagnosis is hampered by many factors. To advance in the
clarification of the causes of abortion is necessary an effective integration of field
veterinary diagnostic laboratories and professionals, too, the producers ' awareness on the
importance of gathering material useful for the diagnosis. The adoption of prophylactic
measures, common to several illnesses, could minimize the spread of likely infectious
agents and reduce the occurrence of losses. Provide food able to meet the nutritional needs
of animals at the gestational period and prevent access of these area with plants, known to
be able to cause reproductive losses, are also prophylactic measures that should be
deployed in the region.