ABRANTES, M. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5840186778191012; ABRANTES, Mikaely Soares de.
The use of play games as an alternative methodology in the teaching of Chemistry contributes to facilitate the understanding of the contents and to minimize the difficulties encountered by the students, considering that in most schools, teachers use only the traditional method, which induces the student to decorate formulas and concepts, hindering learning and interest in the discipline. This work aims at the construction of a didactic game adapted to blind and low vision students as a didactic tool to facilitate the understanding of Hydrocarbon nomenclatures. The research was divided in two moments, the first one by carrying out a bibliographic study and then the construction and application of the game "IncluHidro" with 16 students of the third year of regular high school in the city of Vieirópolis, and with a degree in Chemistry (blind), shortly after, the high school students were submitted to a questionnaire and the licensee to a semi structured interview to evaluate the resource. However, in this research it was possible to observe the viability and importance of the use of playful games in teaching, not only for the visually impaired, but also for seers.