BRITO FILHO, F. B.; BRITO FILHO, Flávio Barbosa de.
Retrospective study of diseases related to the Small Animal Reproduction Clinic in the period 2001-2007 at the HV-CSTR-UFCG. The aim of this study was to make a retrospective of cases related to the Clinic of Small Animal Reproduction of the industry attended the outpatient clinic of the Hospital for Small Animals Veterinary of UFCG, Campus de Patos-PB, specifying the breed, age, species , Sex, in addition to the time of year, during the period 2001 to 2007 in order to identify the disease which presents a greater impact and their possible relationship with a particular disease. Found 469 cases of reproductive disorders among dogs and cats, which are: 244 in bitches, 132 in cats, 90 dogs and only 3 in the cats. Most animals that were
diagnosed with reproductive disorders were mixed breed animals, of mostly female and living in conditions of inadequate management. The males were not affected and most of the diseases of dogs were TVTs.