SILVA, V. J. A.;; SILVA, Valkira Janea de Arruda.
Study in hospital health center veterinarian and the Federal University's rural technology of
Campina Grande, ducks-Pb, during the period 2000-2008, aiming to gather knowledge about the
bacterioses in such animals and their occurrence in semi-arid conditions. The search was made by
the functional routine case referred to hospital, through the farm animal clinics where tetanus
Diagnostics, botulism, glanders, garrotilho, leptospirosis, infection with viral haemorrhagic equi,
purple Rodococcus, dermatofilose, tuberculosis and brucellosis and observations recorded
according to species, race, sex and age of animals. A total of 3.113 animals-by-case served in that
sector, of whom 1.021 equine session, representing a percentage of 32,8 of appointments,
among these, 30 were studied diseases anger, which corresponds to 2.9 of total equine session
met. Most diseases case index were: tetanus (50%, brucellosis (23,33 ) and garrotilho (20).
With regard to the number of equine session met during the period of study highlights the year
2005 by have been the largest number of cases, a total of 142 animals, these six animals of the
diseases mentioned above, representing 3.1 of the total of hits recorded in equine session. It is
concluded that the percentage of cases of infectious equine bacterial species is a relevant clinical
connotation given in this study.