ROCHA, M. S. C.;; ROCHA, Mauro Stênio Cardona.
The architectural pre project of intervention for the requalification of a historic
site in the city of Campina GrandePB,
with emphasis on the expansion of the
current Museu do Algodão is the finality of this work. The study object area is
shaped by the buildings that make up the railway complex of Estação Velha,
these being, historic buildings listed by the state agency to protect the heritage
(IPHAEP – Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico do Estado da Paraíba, in
Portuguese). Analyzing the various theoretical concepts about restoration
practices and concomitant issues to the development of an architectural project,
as well as the knowledge of projects with similar characteristics and strategies,
the work has as its final objective, the contemplation of an egalitarian cultural
place, which regard the adaptability of the site to the proposed new use,
increasing its historical and cultural value. The analysis of the study object area
in question, followed by a rational architectural proposal also aims to take
decisive character for future interventions that may be realized in that place; in
the case of an initial step taken in relation to the construction of new insights
about the heritage of the city.