; LEMOS, Janiéli Silvestre da Silva.
The object study that guided this research was the offering of Early Childhood Education for
children living in rural areas of a municipality from Paraíba's marsh. Its general aim was to
understand the service organization of Countryside Early Childhood Education and its relation
to the right to education. The specific objectives were: to know the reality of Child Education
offering for children living in rural areas of a municipality from Paraíba's marsh; to identify
challenges and strategies used by this municipality's Education Secretariat in order to offer
Early Childhood Education for children living in rural areas; and, to contribute with teacher's
training path, in support to the Education Secretariat, approaching, among others, themes
related to the improvement of both offering and conditions of permanence of Early Childhood
Education's children from rural areas. Research's subjects were: Education Municipal
Secretary, President of Education Municipal Council, and the three coordinators of Early
Childhood Education (one coordinator of Early Childhood Education groups in multiphase
context and two coordinators for groups of regular Early Childhood Education — urban and
rural). The research was based on references of Early Childhood Education, Countryside
Education, and Countryside Early Childhood Education with emphasis on discussions about
offering. From a methodological point of view, this research was configured as qualitative,
field, and documental, using as tools for data collection a form — which was applied with the
Education Secretary — and semistructured interviews, carried out with the secretary, three
coordinators of Early Childhood Education, and the Municipal Education Council President.
Data collected were analyzed in the light of Thematic Analysis, one of modalities of Content
Analysis. The themes analyzed were: 1. Offering organization; 2. Countryside Early
Childhood Education offering; 3. Offering’s challenges during Pandemics; 4. Training of
teachers working at Early Childhood Education on urban and rural areas; 5. Municipal
Education Council and its role in organizing the offering of municipality’s Early Childhood
Education. Analysis revealed that despite the twenty-first century bringing in its scope legal
conquers towards guaranteeing the right to education for small children living in country's
rural areas, there are, in the researched municipality, challenges to be faced, such as access,
quality, and acknowledgement of specificities related to childhood, pedagogical practices, and
culture of countryside children. It seemed, still, necessary to advance in the concrete plan of
policies, planning, and pedagogical practices of Countryside Early Childhood Education.