BATISTA, A. C. S.;; BATISTA, Alyne Cristina Silva.
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease of a zoonotic nature and worldwide distribution,
being of great relevance for animal health and public health. In this way, the main
clinical, laboratory and pathological findings of cases suggestive of canine leptospirosis
attended at the University Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina
Grande - Campus Patos, from 2008 to 2018 were analyzed. cases through clinical,
epidemiological, laboratory and anatomopathological data of the dogs, considering
alterations in renal and hepatic biochemistry, compatible clinical signs and necroscopic
findings, obtained from the records of the animals. Animals of both sexes and age
ranged from two months to nine years, predominating a non - defined pattern. Clinical
signs included mucous membrane jaundice, anorexia, dehydration, prostration,
hematuria, diarrhea and necrosis of the extremities of the tongue. Among the necropsy
findings it was possible to show jaundice, accentuation of the lobular pattern, yellowishcolored
kidneys. Lymphoplasmocytic inflammatory infiltrate, intracytoplasmic
bilestase, hepatocyte necrosis; in interstitial kidney nephritis, membranoproliferative
glomerulonephritis, nephrosis areas, among other symptoms. Leptospirosis is a disease
present in the clinical routine of dogs, and its diagnosis can be made difficult by the
wide variety of clinical signs, being important the use of complementary tests associated
to the control and prevention in public health.