LIMA, J. V. G.;; LIMA, João Vitor Gomes de.
This research contributes to the studies on the internationalization of higher education. It draws parallels between the literature and the internationalization activities based on Hawawini's (2011) models. Thus, it evaluates whether the educational organizations follow strategies of the importer model, exporter model, academic JointVenture, partnerships, or Foreign Campus. The research was exploratory and qualitative, using a multiple case study methodology with three higher education intuitions in Germany, Australia, and France. The data analysis indicated the level of each model adopted in these organizations. The Importer model was predominant at Sunshine Coast University (Australia), followed by the Joint Venture model, while the importer model prevails at RheinAhrCampus (Germany), followed by the exporter model. The joint venture model followed by the partnership model predominates at Télécom ParisTech Institution (France). Except for the Foreign Campus model, which was found only in one institution, in practice, the institutions had a mixture of characteristics of the Hawawini models, although one model is predominant. On the one hand, this result indicated the university might be evolving from one stage to another. On the other hand, the finding showed that the three main models coexist in practice at universities. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a new integrating model to provide a more explanatory way of the reality found in educational institutions regarding their internationalization actions.