OLIVEIRA, A. S. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2943396600367576; OLIVEIRA, Ana Suélen Silva.
This research was developed in the context of renaissance lace production in Paraíba. Considering the interventions that began in the 2000s implemented by the state government, state entities and fashion designers. Given this, I aimed to analyze the perspective of lace makers linked to associations focused on renaissance lace about the actions to encourage the activity, taking as a cut five municipalities of the Western Cariri of Paraíba that stand out in this production (Monteiro, São João do Tigre, Camalaú, São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro and Zabelê). The work was based on the studies of Albuquerque (2002), referring to the renaissance as an element of symbolic value; Moraes (2018), indicating how the craft activity has become a value-added product; Silva (2019), analyzing the sociocultural dynamics of renaissance and Rodrigues (2019), evidencing the expropriation of labor. The theoretical contribution chosen to privilege the perspective of the rendeiras is anchored in the sociology of everyday life on the bias of Martins (2014). The methodological path adopted followed the paths of the same author, along with Whyte (2005) through participant observation in the Reference Center of Renaissance Lace - CRENÇA, in addition to conducting 11 semi-structured interviews, four with association leaders and six with associated lace-makers. In the reports, it was found that, despite the dissemination in digital media emphasizing the positive return of these actions, the lace makers still face difficulties to ensure working capital in the associations and, subsequently, the marketing of the pieces. The data also point to the existence of frustrated expectations in the relat ionship with fashion designers. It was perceived that the actions are not being sufficient for the financial independence of the lace-makers, which makes the renaissance lace a complementary source of income for the family.