CASTANHA, A. A. A. O.;; CASTANHA, Ana Amélia Albuquerque de Oliveira.
Since the 60's in Brazil, Design and Handicraft have presented a notorious distance between their activities until today. However, since the 90's, public policies to promote handicrafts have changed the relationship between designer and artisan, making it more attractive and culturally strengthened. The Arteza Cooperative, located in the municipality of Cabaceiras, in the state of Paraíba, was founded in the beginningof these actions, under the collaboration between designer and artisan, through entities such as SEBRAE and SENAI. So the question is, how did tradition (craftsmanship) and innovation (Design) walk together in the Arteza Cooperative? The present research aims to evaluate the intervention that the designer's work caused in the productive process of the artisans who work at the ARTEZA Cooperative, under a perspective of collaboration among professionals. The methodology used was a study of applied nature, with a qualitative-quantitative approach. As for the data collection instrument, a reduced version of the semistructured interview created by the author and adapted to the local reality was used.
The results obtained characterize the artisan, as well as present the changes that
occurred and how these changes were reflected in the artisans' lives. As conclusions of this research it is evident the positive impacts obtained with the designer's work with the artisans of the Cooperative Arteza, namely: higher productivity, insertion of technologies, improvement in income and in the formation of the professional, as a consequence improvement in the artisans' quality of life and the negative ones, reflection between the entrepreneur and cultural relationship.