BORGES, E. F.;; BORGES, Elyziane Ferreira.
The objective of this research is to study the souvenir from the perspective that it is a cultural artifact, and to understand how its visual characteristics communicates the meanings regarding the identity of the territory. The methodology is based on a bibliographic survey to support the research and an investigation through the Case Study method of the souvenirs sold at the archaeological site of Itacoatiaras in Ingá, in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, followed by the characterization of the spatial clipping, the mapping of the souvenirs to be studied, the definition of the instrument of appreciation of artifacts, analysis and categorization. In the analysis phase, in order to understand the language of the artifacts, the semiotic dimensions applied to Design – syntactic, semantic and pragmatic – was used, followed by the systematization of the data obtained in the analysis through the categorization method. The results point to the viability of the tool for analyzing the language of the artifacts, which provided the categorization of souvenirs and the understanding of the codification of the territory's identity in the use of local and regional cultural elements as a way of authenticating the origin of the products sold in the touristic space studied.