RAMOS, L. L.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6407965237572540; RAMOS, Laise da Luz.
Reestablishing germ stability and function in stomatognathic systems, through the
administration of materials and techniques more favorable to health, are the pillars of
oral rehabilitation. This study aims to report a coronary disorder in a central upper
incisor (21) after endodontic retreatment, using fiberglass pin and ceramics. A 42-yearold
female patient, leucoderma, was systemically healthy compared to the Clinical
School of Dentistry of the Federal University of Campina Grande, shortly before. Totally
formed by composite resin. The routine radiographic examination, consisting of a
prefabricated small volume of anchorage measure to the restoration, as well as the
dental remnant, is a mechanism of cervical anchorage of the root, and broad anatomy
of the fragile canal. The material of choice was the fiberglass pin using a composite
resin reline technique (anatomical pin) and rehabilitation with a free metal crown.
Rehabilitation of the generalized filter element through the fiberglass pin using a
composite resin repackaging technique favored aesthetics, distribution of forces
throughout the tooth, and allowed the adaptation of a canal, fractures or faults in the
feed even favoring the prognosis.