SANTOS, I. F.; SANTOS, Itamar Ferreira.
Just in time is a methodo frationalizing production processes, focused on efficiency, by
defining, in a rational and systematic way, the production chain. Its use helps in management
and decisionmaking,
from project design to the definition of a rational layout of the
construction site, in addition to the orderly planning of teams, versatility of workers,
improvement and improvement of the purchase, production and transport processes in the
execution of the work. However, not all sectors have incorporated it as they should. In this
list is the civil construction sector, where there is a déficit of modernization related to proven and efficient production methods, which results in the loss of competitive advantages. In this
perspective, this work aims to analyze the applicability of Just in time in building a small
business in the city of Campina Grande - PB.
Therefore, a descriptive Field research was
carried out with a qualitative case study approach, with the application of na instrument with
Likert scale questions, adapted from Cunha (2009), Who studied the applicability of the Lean
Construction system in the construction industry in Petrolina - PE.
Five respondents from the
strategic and tactical levels participated in the study, Who answered a questionnaire consisting
of questions with Five possible answers distributed between zero and four, where zero
indicates that the principle is not present and four indicates that the principle is effectively
implemented. The results indicate that the company hás not implemented JIT yet. Its use does
not occur in a conscious and systemic way by the company's management, whose managers
have expertise for the constructive practice, they have no theoretical basis to define the
activities, models and standards of the production process.