OLIVEIRA, A. V. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7284665161514477; OLIVEIRA, Alexandro Veras Barreto de.
In view of the inadequacy of existing information regarding the implementation of the National Vaccination Campaign against Animal Rabies in Microregion Catole of Rocha-PB assisted by the Eighth Regional Health Management, the study was conducted in search of documenting the results of campaigns, 2006 to 2007 and its effect on the Microregion. The data were obtained from the Final Result of the National Vaccination Campaign Against Animal Rabies in the period from 2006 to 2007, held on 10 (ten) of the eleven municipalities of Microregion Catole of Rocha occurred annually between the months of September and October. There was a semi-structured interview with the responsible regional and municipal Program of the Rabies Prophylaxis. The basic points of the interview were mass vaccination in the control of dogs, observations of animal abusers and anti-human rabies. The results of the estimated population and population reached for dogs and cats show that the percentage of dogs vaccinated in the year 2006 in the cities of Balanga Cruz (78.29%), Balanga dos Santos (61.16%), Jericho (61 , 26%) and St. Benedict (76.32%), not reached the minimum percentage recommended by the official, which is 80% immunization coverage for real. Vaccination campaigns in the following year, 2007, the municipalities of Balanga dos Santos (76.76%) and St. Benedict (75.81%) have not reached the minimum percentage recommended by the vaccine program, followed this time by the City of St. Joseph's Swamp of Cruz (76.19%). The council of the Horse Creek in 2006, exceeded the estimate, reaching 101.39% of immunization coverage and the following year (2007), managed to overcome is reaching 104.64% of immunization coverage, followed by Bom Sucesso with 104 , 86% in 2007. There is an underestimation of the canine population calculated at the rate of 10% of the human population, demonstrated by vaccination coverage above 100%, not reaching the real level of 80% of the canine population, needed to control and eradicate rabies urban. The canine population has real numbers fleeing the attention of health authorities. Relationship with the cats, the proportion adopted by the 8th Regional Health Management is around 5% of the population with respect to number of inhabitants of the districts studied. There were no literal data to ratify this proportion adopted as more appropriate. There is a need for an animal census and the presence of Zoonoses Control Center to map and provide reliable data on animal population, endemic diseases and epidemics that occur in this region. The lack of laboratory diagnosis and the lack of educational campaigns to clarify the population about the risks of exposure to rabies virus and its prevention show that the program is not running in its entirety. Other relevant aspects such as the lack of regional epidemiological history, accidents that are not properly notified the Management of care contributed to the failures and can not be responsible bodies have actual knowledge that try to tackle the problems undermining the direction and intensity of its efforts to work.