FREITAS, J. C. F.;; FREITAS, Júlio César Fernandes de.
Study carried through in the Federal University of Campina Grande developed in two stages, Central Laboratory - CSTR/UFCG, the course of October 2005 and the Haras JBFN, Duck, in May of 2007. Objectifying to evaluate the fitoterapica effectiveness of the root of the plant "Caninana", under the form of manipulated hidroalcoolico extract and dust artisan, as cicatrizante principle of cutaneous wounds in equines. Consisting the execution in the therapeutical use with the cited formularizations under wounds provoked for surgical method e, treated for second intention. Initially, in daily pay-experimental farmacologico test in mice and, the definitive, evaluated experimentation in equines. By means of the use of twenty mice, adults, feminine sex, of approach pesagem e, five equines
of both the sexos, Without Defined Race, with age varying of 5 the 11 years, average weight of 350 kg, vermifugados and submitted to the immunization. Kept under the same ambient conditions and of alimentary handling. For experimental application of the manipulated forms of the root of to be tested plant, one surgically proceeded injuries from first intention to be treated posterioli for second intention. The fitoterapico protocol was
proceeded, by means of topical use, of the formularization in dust, 12 hours after to be provoked surgically to the injuries and, the use of the hidroalcoolico extract 10%, 48 hours after. In the daily pay-farmacologico in mice it was verified that the wounds dealt with hidroalcoolico extract of the root of the plant "Caninana" in concentration of 3% and 5% had had good cicatrizacao, on average, to the 16 days, without comment of favorable findings. With cicatricial otimizacao of the wounds dealt with the extract 10%, healed, but precociously, in an average period of 13 days. The treatments carried through in equines had demonstrated to complete cicatrizacao of the wounds, that is, formation of colored scar not hipertrofica, in elapsing of first the 15 days of the administration of the fitoterapicas
formularizations in dust and hidroalcoolico extract 10%. Whereas, the injuries control had healed on average to the 25 days. Therefore, the treated wounds had had an average reduction of 40% in the time of cicatrizacao in treated relation or have not controlled. It was observed that the treated wounds, with the therapeutical ways in the hidroalcoolico extract form 10% and in dust, had evolved with gradual reduction of the diameter, especially, in terco final of the cicatrizacao. In the conclusive experimental phase, it was opted in using the evaluated fitoterapicos, tractive adult equine under natural conditions of wounds of second intention, uncertain etiopatogenia infectadas. Being observed excellent cicatricial effect of the wound. Therefore, the comments of this experience definitively
certify the cicatricial effectiveness of the root of the plant "Caninana" in cutaneous wounds of equines, treated for second intention.