SILVA, S. O.; SILVA, Sueli de Oliveira.
Diseases of the intervertebral disks in the dogs occur how part of the normal in the aging process. The intervertebral disk in located between two vertebras, under of the spinal cord. Each disk is composed of the annulus fibrosus and the central nucleus pulposus. Disks give flexibility to the vertebral column so that it supports and distributes pressure and restricts brusque movements, when occur violent trauma and bones lesion. Movements of the vertebra in the same side may suddenly compress the disk to out of the normal position. In general, the material makes a move to above compressing the spinal cord and pain in the animal. Breeds more affected are dogs with shot legs as Dachshund, French bulldog, Pequines, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel or big breeds as Dobermans Pinschers. Parts of the column stricken with frequency by displacement of the disk are cervical and lumbar. Factors how violent trauma and excessive cause problems of the intervertebral disk by instability in the biomechanical in the column in the structures of the column (ligaments and the muscles) in to support the vertebral column. Treatment depends on the severity of the intervertebral disc disease of the whether the problem is Type I or Type II. Conservative therapy consists of strict immobilization (cage rest) and use in the drugs (anti-inflamtory and analgesic). Therefore, is indispensable a clinic investigation by expedient of complete anamnese, visual inspection, particularity touch, tests of locomotion and auxiliaries examinations so as to locate the correct region and a specific and efficient treatment.